
At the beginning of its first year of operations, the Barker Co.grants non qualified options on 5,000 of its $1 par common stock.The exercise price of each option is $30. The fair market value ofeach option on the grant date is $6 and the options vest after 4years. The fair market value of each common share on the grant dateis $29. The tax rate is 20% in all years.

1. How much is the balance of the deferred tax asset at the endof the first year of the vesting period?

2. How much is the book value of common stock issued if all theoptions are exercised when the fair market value of each commonshare is $40 ?

3. Barker's pre-tax income is $300,000 in the period when theoptions are exercised. The fair market value of each share on theexercise date is $40. How much is taxable income in thatperiod?

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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