
Multiple Choice 6
The __________ audit procedure is used for the audit of__________.
a. examine system access logs; program development
b. review programming evaluation standards; overall computersecurity
c. proper use of internal and external file labels; computerprocessing controls
d. review program documentation standards; programmodification
Multiple Choice 7
An integrated test facility technique
a. examines the way transactions are processed
b. places a small set of fictitious records in the masterfiles
c. uses embedded audit modules to continuously monitor transactionactivity and collect data on
transactions with special audit significance
d. searches a program for occurrences of a specified variable nameor other character combinations
Multiple Choice 8
The audit technique used to catch the State Farm Life InsuranceCompany employee fraudulently taking cash
a. audit hooks
b. snapshot technique
c. program tracing
d. internal control testing
Multiple Choice 9
Two of the most popular audit software packages include:
a. ITF
b. ACL
c. CIS
Multiple Choice 10
The first step in an operational audit is
a. evaluating evidence
b. collecting evidence
c. communicating the results
d. none of the above

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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