
Scenerio: A primary care clinic can be an individual-physicianpractice or a multiple-physician practice organized as a nonprofitor a for-profit facility. Multiple-physician practices generallyspecialize in cardiac, women’s health, pediatrics, or relatedservices. You are the administrator of a local for-profit,multiple-physician community clinic owned by five local physicians,specializing in internal medicine, women’s health, pediatrics,orthopedics, and oncology. The clinic sees an average of 50patients per day. Scheduling is centralized with two receptionists,and each specialty has four staff members to assist the physicians.All the physicians have visiting privileges at the area hospitalsand frequently speak at local and national conferences on numerouspreventative health care topics. The clinic is noted for its use oftechnology and has agreements in place with the local hospitals forweb-based exchanges of health information on shared patients.Action Required: Your office just underwent an organizationalchange and one office receptionist was eliminated, saving theoffice $25, 000 per year in labor costs. However, there have been anumber of complaints that all patients cannot be processed due tothe increased flow of patients. Two weeks later you begin to hearthat wait times for appointments have increased, and one specificpatient was not able to be seen. That patient now has developed aninfection and requires surgery. Question 3: Based on what you havelearned so far in this course, what would be your plan of actionfor the next 30 days? What types of reports would you use to helpsupport your decisions?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
28 Sep 2019

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