
Hello, I really need some help creating a statement ofcashflows. I have two balance sheets, one from February and onefrom March, and I'm having difficulty creating a statement of cashflows for the business, Grandpa's Cough Inc..

The Balance Sheet for February:

Assets: Cash (16684), Accounts Receivable (20,000), Allowancefor Doubtful Accounts (-4,000), Inventory (50,000), PrepaidInsurance (1,400), Prepaid Rent (3,300), Office Equipment (2,400),Mixing Barrels (7,200), Factory Equipment (21,600), Less:Accumulated Depreciation (-8,940)

Liabilities: Accounts Payable (20,000), Income Taxes Payable(12,000), Interest Payable (44), Current Portion of Long-Term Debt(1,600), Notes payable (16,000), Retained Earnings (40,000), CommonStock (20,000)

The Balance Sheet for March:

Assets: Cash (70,129), Accounts Receivable (75,000), Allowancefor Doubtful Accounts (-15,000), Inventory (74,400), PrepaidInsurance (8,750), Prepaid Rent (4,450), Prepaid Advertising - thisis a new account - (9,000), Office Equipment (8,160), MixingBarrels (10,200), Factory Equipment (25,200), Less: AccumulatedDepreciation (-9,895)

Liabilities: Accounts Payable (72,000), Income Taxes Payable(32,384), Interest Payable (88), Current Portion of Long-Term Debt(0), Notes Payable (17,600), Retained Earnings (87,562), CommonStock (50,760).

Other possibly important accounts: Net Income for March (47,562), Depreciation Expense (955), Bad debt expense (26, 000).

There was no sale of any assets during the period!

Thank you, in advance, for your help. :)

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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