
Henderson Company has three product lines: baked goods, milk andfruit juice, and frozen foods. Company has experienced netoperating losses in its Milk & Fruit Juice line during the lastfew periods. Company management thinks that the store will improveits profitability if it discontinued the Milk & Fruit Juiceline. For product line profitability analysis purposes, currentlycompany is allocating operating expenses as a percentage of salesdollars which approximately is 30% of sales dollar.

SalesRevenues $89,250 $99,000 $76,500

Cost of goodssold $54,000 $72,000 $51,000

Operating costs (30% of salesrevenues) $26,775 $29,700 $22,950

ProfitMargin $8,475 ($2,700) $2,550

Profit MarginRatio 9.5% -2.7% 3.3%

However, Rose, the new accountant whois a graduate of CSU, believes that not every sales dollar requiresor uses the same amount of store support activities. She believesthat company should look for other means for the allocation ofstore operating costs among the product lines – such as ABC. Basedon her preliminary investigation and analysis, she could identifyfour store support operating activities and breakdown total storeoperating activities by these activities as follows:

Activity-area usage (cost allocationbase) Annual ActivityCosts Cost Driver

Ordering (purchase orders)$12,600 number of purchase orders

Delivery (deliveries)$22,475 number of deliveries Shelf-stocking(hours) Shelf-stocking hours $20,200

Customer support (items sold)$24,150 number of units sold

Total $79,425

Rose also has compiled the followingannual data on usage of store support activities by each productline:

Activity-area usage (cost allocationbase)

Baked Goods Milk&Fruit JuiceFrozen Products

Ordering (purchase orders)25 20 15

Delivery(deliveries) 90 35 30

Shelf-stocking(hours) 190 174 40

Customer support (itemssold) 13,500 18,450 8,300

. In the spaceprovided on Answers Sheet, complete the product-line profitabilityreport for

Henderson using ABC for the allocationof store support operating costs among the three products.

1. In the spaceprovided on Answers Sheet, complete the product-line profitabilityreport for

Henderson using ABC for the allocationof store support operating costs among the three products.

2. What new insightsdoes the ABC system provide to Henderson Company managers?Explain.

26. Profitability Analysis

Baked Goods

Milk and Fruit Juice

Frozen Products

Sales Revenues




Cost of goods sold




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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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