
Klean Kars, which began operations in October, is enjoyingcontinuing success. The November 30, 2011 unadjusted trial balanceis as follows:

Acct No Acct Title Debit Credit
25 Cash 38264
106 Accounte receivable 12618
126 Cleaning supplies 2545
128 Prepaid insurance 2220
131 Prepaid rent 3300
163 Office equipment 8000
164 Accum. Dep - Office equip 0
167 Computer equip 20000
168 Accum. Dep - Computerequip. 0
201 Accounts Payable 0
210 Wages payable 0
236 Unearned Services Revenue 0
301 Common stock 44850
302 Retained earnings 22300
403 Services revenue 25659
612 Depreciation expense - OfficeEquip 0
613 Depreciation expense -Computer Equip 0
623 Wages expense 2625
637 Insurance expense 0
640 Rent expense 0
655 Advertising expense 1728
676 Mileage expense 704
684 Repairs Expense -Computer 805

Klean Kars had the following transactions and events in December2011

2-Dec Paid $1,025 cash to Hillside Mall for Klean Kars share ofmall advertising costs

3-DecPaid $500 cash for minor repairs to company's computer

4-Dec Received $3,950 cash from Jane Smith for a receivablerecorded in November

10-Dec Paid cash to Lyn Addie for 6 days of work at the rate of$125 per day. Ignore associated payroll taxes

14-Dec Contacted by James Johnson, who indicated Klean Karswould be hired to perform $7,000 worth of cleaning services overthe next 6 months.

14-Dec J. Johnson paid a $1,500 cash advance to Klean Kars andthe project is expected to begin on January 15, 2012

15-Dec Purchased $1,100 of cleaning supplies on credit fromHarris Office Products

16-Dec Sent a reminder to Suzy Solomon to pay the fee forservices recorded on November 8

20-Dec Started and completed a cleaning project for LiuCorporation and received $5,625 cash

28-Dec Received $3,000 cash from Suzy Solomon on her accountsreceivable

31-Dec Reimbursed an employee for business automobile mileage -600 total miles at a rate of $.50 per mile

The following additional facts are collected for use in makingadjusting entries prior to preparing financial

The December 31 inventory count of cleaning supplies shows $580still available

On October 1, 2011, Klean Kars paid their annual insurancepremium in the amount of $2,220, which

As of December 31, Lyn Addie has not been paid for 4 days ofwork at $125 per day

Record depreciation expense for the company's computer in theamount of $1200

Record depreciation expense for the company's office equipmentin the amount of $800

On October 1, 2011, Klean Kars signed a 2 year lease agreement,which had the following terms:

** $825 per month ** First 4 months rent due at time of signing(October 1, 2011). ** Payments will be made monthly startingFebruary 1, 2012.

I also need to add an account called cleaning supplies expensethat needs to be added on to my adjusted trail balance

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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