
6. The bad-debt method that uses the accounts receivable agingreport is _______________.

the bad-debt expense method

the percentage-of-sales method

the direct write-off method

the percentage-of-receivables method

7. When it is determined that too much money has been set asidefor uncollectible accounts, we will _______________.

credit reserve for uncollectible accounts

debit accounts receivable

credit cash

debit reserve for uncollectible accounts

8. A customer whose account was previously written offunexpectedly pays us. If we are using the allowance method we would_______________.

debit accounts receivable and credit allowance for uncollectibleaccounts AND debit cash and credit accounts receivable

debit cash and credit bad-debt expense

debit reserve for uncollectible accounts and credit cash

debit bad-debt expense and credit cash

9. When a retailer accepts a bank card (VISA or MasterCard),they will make what entry for the day’s receipts?

debit cash and debit “credit card expense”; credit sales

debit accounts receivable and credit sales

debit cash and credit sales

debit accounts receivable; credit sales, and credit “credit cardexpense”

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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