
Renaissance Capital Group is considering allocating a limitedamount of capital investment funds among four proposals. The amountof proposed investment, estimated income from operations, and netcash flow for each proposal are as follows:

Investment Year Income from Operations Net Cash Flow
Proposal A: $680,000 1 $ 64,000 $ 200,000
2 64,000 200,000
3 64,000 200,000
4 24,000 160,000
5 24,000 160,000
$240,000 $ 920,000
Proposal B: $320,000 1 $ 26,000 $ 90,000
2 26,000 90,000
3 6,000 70,000
4 6,000 70,000
5 (44,000) 20,000
$ 20,000 $340,000
Proposal C: $108,000 1 $ 33,400 $ 55,000
2 31,400 53,000
3 28,400 50,000
4 25,400 47,000
5 23,400 45,000
$142,000 $ 250,000
Proposal D: $400,000 1 $100,000 $ 180,000
2 100,000 180,000
3 80,000 160,000
4 20,000 100,000
5 0 80,000
$300,000 $700,000

The company's capital rationing policy requires a maximum cashpayback period of three years. In addition, a minimum average rateof return of 12% is required on all projects. If the precedingstandards are met, the net present value method and present valueindexes are used to rank the remaining proposals.

Present Value of $1 at CompoundInterest
Year 6% 10% 12% 15% 20%
1 0.943 0.909 0.893 0.870 0.833
2 0.890 0.826 0.797 0.756 0.694
3 0.840 0.751 0.712 0.658 0.579
4 0.792 0.683 0.636 0.572 0.482
5 0.747 0.621 0.567 0.497 0.402
6 0.705 0.564 0.507 0.432 0.335
7 0.665 0.513 0.452 0.376 0.279
8 0.627 0.467 0.404 0.327 0.233
9 0.592 0.424 0.361 0.284 0.194
10 0.558 0.386 0.322 0.247 0.162


1. Compute the cash payback period for each ofthe four proposals.

Cash Payback Period
Proposal A
Proposal B
Proposal C
Proposal D

2. Giving effect to straight-line depreciationon the investments and assuming no estimated residual value,compute the average rate of return for each of the four proposals.If required, round your answers to one decimal place.

Average Rate of Return
Proposal A %
Proposal B %
Proposal C %
Proposal D %

3. Using the following format, summarize theresults of your computations in parts (1) and (2) by placing thecalculated amounts in the first two columns on the left andindicate which proposals should be accepted for further analysisand which should be rejected. If required, round your answers toone decimal place.

Proposal Cash Payback Period Average Rate of Return Accept or Reject
A %
B %
C %
D %

4. For the proposals accepted for furtheranalysis in part (3), compute the net present value. Use a rate of15% and the present value of $1 table above. Round to the nearestdollar.

Select the proposal accepted for further analysis.
Present value of net cash flow total $ $
Less amount to be invested $ $
Net present value $ $

5. Compute the present value index for each ofthe proposals in part (4). If required, round your answers to twodecimal places.

Select proposal to compute Present value index.
Present value index (rounded)

6. Rank the proposals from most attractive toleast attractive, based on the present values of net cash flowscomputed in part (4).

Rank 1st
Rank 2nd

7. Rank the proposals from most attractive toleast attractive, based on the present value indexes computed inpart (5).

Rank 1st
Rank 2nd

8. The present value indexes indicate thatalthough Proposal has the larger net present value, it is not asattractive as Proposal in terms of the amount of present value perdollar invested. Proposal requires the larger investment. Thus,management should use investment resources for Proposal beforeinvesting in Proposal , absent any other qualitative considerationsthat may impact the decision.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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