
the chief accountant for grandveiw corporation provides you withthe companys 2016 stateent of cash flows and income statement theacountant has asked for your help with some missing figures in thecomopanys comprehensive balance sheets these financial statementsare shown next ($ in millions)

Grandveiw corp

statement of cash flows

for the year ended decemeber 31 2016

cash flows from operating activities

Collection from customer 71

payment to supplier (30)

Payment of general an administrative expenses (18)

payment of income taxes (9)

net cash from operatingactivites 14

cash flows from investing activites:

sale ofinvestments 65

Cash flows from financing activites:

issuance of common stock 10

Payment of divedends (3)

net cash flows from financingactivites 7

net increase incash 86

​Grandveiw corporation

income statement
for the year ended dec 31 2016

salesrevenue 80

cogs 32

grossprofit 48


General and admin. depreciation 18

Deprec. 10

total operatingexpenses 28

operatingincome 20

other income

gain on sale ofinvest. 15

income b4 taxes 35

income taxexpense 7

netincome 2

grandveiw corp

balance sheets
At dec 31 2016

assets 2016 2015

cash 145 ?

a/r ? 84

investments - 50

inventory 60 ?

property plant equipment 150 150

less accumulated dep. (65) ?

total assets? ?

liab. and shareholders equity

accounts payable to suplliers 40 30

payable for selling and admin. expenses 9 9

income tax payable 22 ?

common stock 240 230

retained earnings ? 47

total liabilites and shareholdersequity ? ?


1. calculate missing amounts

2. Prepare the operating activites section of Grandveiw 2016statement of cash fllows using the indirect method.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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