
Telluride Mining’s equity has a market value of $25 million with 800,000 shares outstanding. The book value of its equity is $15 million.

What is Telluride’s stock price per share? What is its book value per share?

If the company repurchases 20% of its shares in the stock market at their current price, how will this affect the book value of equity if all else remains the same?

If there are no taxes or transaction costs, and investors do not change their perceptions of the firm, what should the market value of the firm be after the repurchase?

Instead of a share repurchase, the company decides to raise money by selling an additional 10% of its share on the market. If it can issue these additional shares at the current market price, how will this affect the book value of equity if all else remains the same?

If there are no taxes or transaction costs, and investors do not change their perception of the firm, what should the market value of the firm be after this stock issuance? Its price per share?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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