
Your original post is due by Day 4 by 11:59 PM Central Time. Your responses to at least three other original posts are due by Day 6 by 11:59 PM Central Time. Posts should take place on multiple calendar days throughout the week to generate conversation among students and the instructor. Posts are expected to be at least 150 words in length, well-written, APA formatted, meaningfully add to the conversation about the given topic, and incorporate material from the text and other sources into your original post and responses. Ethics and the Manager Tom Kemper Case Study Using the Tom Kemper Case Study, your textbook, and at least one outside source, share with your peers what you believe Tom Kemper should do. Explain your thought process in complete sentences. Include proper APA citations for the sources you use.

Discussion from tom Kemper and I need to make a question about waht I think of the Tom Kemper report.

Tom Kemper is the controller of the Wichita manufacturing facility of Prudhom Enterprises, Inc. The annual cost control report is one of the many reports that must be filed with corporate headquarters and is due at corporate headquarters shortly after the beginning of the New Year. Kemper does not like putting work off to the last minute, so just before Christmas he prepared a preliminary draft of the cost control report. Some adjustments would later be required for transactions that occur between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The following is a copy of the preliminary draft report, which Kemper completed on December 21:

Wichita Manufacturing Facility

Cost Control Report

December 21 Preliminary Draft










Direct labor

 $   326,000

$   324,000

$ 2,000 U




1,750 U




6,000 U

Equipment depreciation



11,000 U

Supervisory salaries



2,000 F





Industrial engineering



21,000 F

Factory building lease




Total expense

$ 1,352,750


$ 2,250 F

Melissa Ilianovitch, the general manager at the Wichita facility, asked to see a copy of the preliminary draft report. Kemper carried a copy of the report to her office where the following discussion took place:

Ilianovitch: Wow! Almost all of the variances on the report are unfavorable. The only favorable variances are for supervisory salaries and industrial engineering. How did we have an unfavorable variance for depreciation?

Kemper: Do you remember that milling machine that broke down because the wrong lubricant was used by the machine operator?

Ilianovitch: Yes.

Kemper: We couldn’t fix it. We had to scrap the machine and buy a new one.

Ilianovitch: This report doesn’t look good. I was raked over the coals last year when we had just a few unfavorable variances.

Kemper: I’m afraid the final report is going to look even worse.

Ilianovitch: Oh?

Kemper: The line item for industrial engineering on the report is for work we hired Ferguson Engineering to do for us. The original contract was for $210,000, but we asked them to do some additional work that was not in the contract. We have to reimburse Ferguson Engineering for the costs of that additional work. The $189,000 in actual costs that appears on the preliminary draft report reflects only their billings up through December 21. The last bill they had sent us was on November 28, and they completed the project just last week. Yesterday I got a call from Laura Sunder over at Ferguson and she said they would be sending us a final bill for the project before the end of the year. The total bill, including the reimbursements for the additional work, is going to be …

Ilianovitch: I am not sure I want to hear this.

Kemper: $225,000

Ilianovitch: Ouch!

Kemper: The additional work added $15,000 to the cost of the project.

Ilianovitch: I can’t turn in a report with an overall unfavorable variance! They’ll kill me at corporate headquarters. Call up Laura at Ferguson and ask her not to send the bill until after the first of the year. We have to have that $21,000 favorable variance for industrial engineering on the report.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019

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