
Rockwater plans to acquire $30,000,000 in long- term assets. One financing option is to purchase the assets by making a $4,000,000 down payment, signing a ten-year note to borrow the remaining $26,000,000 with interest and a $2,000,000 principal payment due next year. A second option is to use a lease that is structured to qualify for off-balance sheet financing. The lease terms are to sign a ten- year lease with a present value of $30,000,000 with no down payment required and equal annual lease payments. Further, Rockwater has a bank loan with Bank that contains a covenant which states that its current ratio cannot be lower than 1.8 and its debt-to-equity ratio cannot be larger than 1.25.

1. Using a simplified balance sheet depicted in Table 1, calculate Rockwater's current ratio and debt-to equity ratio for the following:

(a) The period before the long-term assets are acquired: (b) If the long-term assets are leased;
(c) If the long-term assets are purchased

2. Explain how each method (purchasing or leasing) to acquire the long-term assets affects Rockwater's loan covenant agreement with Bank.

Table 1
Simplified Balance Sheet Rockwater


Current Assets


Long-Term Assets


Total Assets



Current Liabilities

$ 7,000,000

Long-Term Liabilities


Total Liabilities


Owners' Equity


Total liabilities & Owners' Equity


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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
28 Sep 2019

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