
Help me anwer the following qsns for DELTAAIRLINES.

1. What types of products are manufactured or sold?

2. What is the consumer demand for the product?

3. What drives the consumer demand?

4. What is the price elasticity of the demand for theproduct?

5. Are there substitutes for the product? Are the substitutesdifferentiated on price? on quantity?

6. Is there a Brand name association with the product?

7. Is there Patent protection associated with the product?

8. Are there any barrier to entry protections available to theindustry or firm?

9. What is the firm's technology

10. What is the marketing process like?

11. How do the distribution channels function?

12. What does the supply chain look like? Does the firm have anyadvantages through its supply


13. What does the cost structure look like? Are there anyadvantages gained through cost sharing


14. Are there any economies of scale advantages available to theindustry or firm

15. The company's earnings call

16. Stock ownership information

17. When did the company go public?

18. How many classes of stock are there?

19. Ownership breakdown between insiders, institutionalinvestors, and public float

20. Information on voting rights of shareholders

21. Historical stock performance of the company

22. Preferred stock outstanding

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
29 Sep 2019

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