18 Sep 2018

Revisit the current operation of Andre's Hair Styling (studyproblem 2-44):

haircut price - $12.00

barber salaries - $9.90 per hour, 5 barbers, 40 hours per week,50 weeks per year

annual miscellaneous fixed costs - $21,000

Andre is considering the following plan, in which he would raisehaircut prices and barber salaries. In addition, annualmiscellaneous fixed costs are expected to increase:

increase in haircut price - $1.25

increase in barber salaries - $0.95 per hour

increase in annual miscellaneous fixed costs - $17,475

Although Andre thinks that he will get the same number ofcustomers with this new plan as with his current operation, he isuncertain what that number will be. How many customers would makeAndre indifferent between the two alternatives?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
18 Sep 2018

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