26 Jan 2019

Access the financial statements from the most recent annualreport of a foreign company and a domestic company with which youare familiar to and

a. Determine the accounting principles (GAAP) the foreign anddomestic companies use to prepare financial statements.
b. Determine whether the foreign and domestic companies provide aset of financial statements that includes the same components(e.g., consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement,and consolidated cash flows statement).
c. List five format differences in the companies’ incomestatements.
d. List five format differences in the companies’ balancesheets.
e. Note any terminology differences that exist between the twocompanies’ income statements and balance sheets.
f. Assess whether the scope and content of the information providedin the notes to the financial statements is similar between the twocompanies.
g. Compare the overall presentation of the financial statements andnotes to the financial statements between the two companies. Thankyou

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
29 Jan 2019

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