18 Sep 2018

My dad owns an oil company in China, but he just decided todissolve the branch company in US due to the falling petroleumprice.
He has the following questions:
1 how many years could the accounting file of thedissolved company be preserved after the firm had been cancelled orhow long is the retention period after the accounting file formed?(Please be as specific as you can)
2 what kind of law prescribe the rule asked by questionabove? Please give me the link.
3 does the dissolved branch company have the right todestroy its accounting files or does it have the rights to handover the file to the shareholder of the general company? Anyway,what would be done to the accounting file of the dissolvedcompany?
4 what kind of law prescribe the rule asked by questionabove?
Only need to answer 4

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
18 Sep 2018

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