25 Aug 2018

Accounting Information systems: conceptual model

Write the conceptual model (be sure to indicate the primary key for each entity!) for the situation described below:

TinyNoFrills (TNF) Airlines has a fleet of planes across three airports. Each plane has an id, description, and seating capacity. Each plane is flown by a pilot who flies the plane, makes sure that passengers know about safety regulations, and passes out snacks to the passengers as they are seated. Planes are serviced by mechanics who also deliver baggage to the planes and to the carousel. Reservation agents sell tickets, check in passengers/baggage, and handle customer service. All employees have an employee id, last name, first name, and pay rate. TNF keeps track of the hours flown for a pilot. For mechanics, TNF also keeps track of contact phone number. For reservation agents, TNF also keeps track of shift.

A mechanic works on zero to many planes on a particular day; a plane is serviced by one to many mechanics over time (assume that a plane will not be put into service until it has been serviced/inspected by at least one mechanic). Date/time that a particular plane is serviced by a particular mechanic is an important attribute that TNF wants to keep.

Customers fly on one to many planes (over time); each plane can carry zero to many customers. Customers receive a frequent flyer number when they make their first flight with TNF. TNF keeps track of customers’ last names, first names, contact email, and contact phone number, and FF miles (stored, not derived). For customer/plane combination, TNF keeps track of: flight number and date flown; reserved seat; originating airport; destination airport; miles-flown.

Although TNF is a “lean and mean” organization, the company believes in providing assigned parking spots to pilots. Each parking spot has an id# and a location. Each pilot is assigned one and only one parking spot. Each parking spot has been assigned to zero or one pilot. The organization keeps track of the date that a parking spot was assigned to a pilot.

Additionally, the company has an extremely unusual (and expensive and inefficient) method of assigning pilots to flights. Each plane is flown by zero to one pilot. Each pilot flies zero to one plane. This means that a pilot flies from one airport to the second airport and makes the return trip back to the first airport during the same day (within the time constraints set by the FAA). To comply with FAA regulations, a pilot does not fly every day.

Finally, reservation agents are associated with customers. Each agent handles zero to many customers (an agent will not deal with customers until he/she has complete initial training); a customer deals with one to many agents (remember that a person is not a customer until he/she takes a trip so he/she has dealt with at least one agent). Date of customer/reservation interaction is an important attribute that TNF wants to keep!

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
27 Aug 2018

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