29 Apr 2018

1) List eight asset accounts and describe what asset is recordedin each one.

2)List 8 Liability accounts and describe what liability isrecorded in each one.

3) List all steps required to properly account for transactionsfrom the time they happen until the Balance Sheet is prepared

4) Whats types of accounts normally have debit balances, creditbalances.

5) List 10 Expenses accounts normally and describe the expensesreflected in the accounts

6) List 5 Revenue accounts and describe what revenue would berecorded in the account

7) Distinguish between expenses and losses

8) Distinguish between Revenues and Gains

9) List 10 adjustIng entries And why the adjusting and why theadjusting entries are being made

10) List the Equity Acounts found in a Corporation's equitysection of its balance sheet

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
30 Apr 2018

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