6 Jul 2019

MULTIPLECHOICEQUESTIONS - Choose the BESTanswer for the following questions.

_____ 1. Thedifference between implied and book value may be allocated to:

a. any assets or liabilities on S’sbooks.

b. any assets or liabilities on P’sbooks.

c. only to S’s land.

d. only to P’s land.

_____2. When the partialor complete equity methods are used, where is P’s share of S’sincome

recorded in P’s books?

a. Dividend income

b. Equity in S income

c. Investment income

d. It is not recorded

_____3. What is thesignificant difference between the partial equity and the completeequity entries on P’s books?

a. P records only its share of S’sdividends in the partial equity method.

b. P records only its share of S’sdividends in the complete equity method.

c. P records only its share of S’sdividends and reported income in the partial equity method

d. P records only its share of S’sdividends and income in the complete equity method.

_____4. When a specificasset has a fair value less than its book value, the allocation ofthe difference between implied and book value:

a. ignores the asset.

b. writes the asset up by its proportionateshare of the difference.

c. decreases the asset by the excess ofbook value over fair value.

d. decreases P’s cost of investment.

_____ 5. What is theSEC’s position on push down accounting?

a. The SEC requires that push downaccounting be used for all business combinations.

b. The SEC requires that push downaccounting be used for business combinations where P buys 80percent or more of S.

c. The SEC requires that push downaccounting be used for business combinations where P buys 95percent or more of S.

d. The SEC is silent as to push downaccounting.


Match the terms in the list to the definitions below. Each termmay be used only once.

A. Difference between implied and bookvalue F. Complete equity method

B. Excess of fair value over bookvalue G. Allocation of difference

C. Excess of fair value over impliedvalue H. Push down accounting

D. Excess of implied value over fairvalue I. Cost method

E. Partial equitymethod J. Goodwill

_____1. A technique usedto assign the difference between implied and book value to S’sassets and liabilities

_____ 2. What Ppays for S’s net assets is more than the fair value of thoseassets

_____ 3. Precords its share of S’s income and dividends on its books

_____ 4. Srecords the difference between implied and book value on itsbooks

_____ 5. [P’spurchase price divided by its share of S] minus book value of Sequity

_____6. There is apositive difference between what S has on its books for the valueof its assets and the market value of those assets

_____ 7. Precords only its share of S’s dividends

_____ 8. P haspaid less than fair value for S’s net assets

_____ 9. Anaccount used when the fair value of S’s net assets is less than thecost paid by P

_____10. P records its share ofS’s income and dividends, and also an entry to record theamortization and depreciation of the difference between implied andbook value.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
8 Jul 2019

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