3 Jan 2018

Numerous frauds in the early 2000s spurred Sarbanes-Oxleylegislation (SOX). SOX changed the way businesses looked at andreported their internal control structure. Internal controls areneeded both to prevent and deter fraud as well as errors.Segregation of duties is the most commonly considered internalcontrol. Ben's Barn is a successful, locally owned, organic farmer.Ben and his wife sell produce at local farmer's markets. The farmis the primary source of income for Ben and his family. Ben hasbeen in business for 10 years, and has developed a reputation forhigh quality produce. Ben's extensive greenhouses allow him to growvarieties not native to the local area, which commanded higherprices in the local markets. This summer, the weather was perfectand Ben had a bumper crop. Ben and his wife could not keep up, andmade the decision to hire a part-time temporary employee for thefirst time. Ben took great pride in his produce, and made thedecision to send the employee to the farmer's market so that hecould tend to the harvest and provide the care he thought itneeded. Ben and the employee would load the produce in thecompany's truck, and take it the farmer's market three (3) timesper week. Once set up, Ben would spend some time talking with theother vendors and regular customers, and then return to the farm.The employee was responsible for cash sales to the marketcustomers. Some inventory was sold by the item, while otherinventory was sold by weight. They set up a small scale at thebooth each day to weigh produce. A portable cash register was alsotaken to register sales and provide receipts to customers. Theregister kept a duplicate copy of the receipts for reconciliation.The register also featured subtotaling features which would add thesales for the day. At the end of the day, Ben would return to helpload the remaining produce and close the produce stand for the day.He would change out the register tape, but like any good farmer,often left the tapes in a folder in his truck until he couldremember to take them into the house/office. At the end of eachweek, Ben's wife made a trip to the bank to deposit cash receiptsand to get the proper change/denominations to start the new week'scash box. Since her husband was so busy, she wasn't able to catchup with him to get the register receipts to match to deposits, soshe just counted the cash and deposited it. For his records, Benrecorded every detail of the harvest. He wanted to know how to planfor the next season. He recorded quantities and weights of produceharvested by variety. He tracked the harvest daily, but neverreconciled it to sales at the market and produce that was returnedfrom the market. Harvest continued to be exceptionally busy. As aresult, Ben could barely keep up with writing his employee a weeklypayroll check. When the bank statements came at the end of themonth, he was too busy for paperwork and failed to reconcilestatements until the following month. After all, he and his wifehad run the business for 10 years this way, he would catch up onpaperwork when it slowed down. At the end of the season, Benfinally slowed down enough to catch up on paperwork. He began toreview the bank statements, and noticed that deposits were lessthan they had been in prior years, when harvests had not been asgood. Ben was certain that he had sold more inventory. In fact, heknew he had because half-way through the season he had added anadditional day of sales (a 4th market) each week. Ben had helpedload the truck at the end of each day, and only a small amount everreturned to the farm. What could have happened? Did the employeehave something to do with this? Would Ben ever know how much helost? For this exercise, your job is to identify controls and putcontrols in place to prevent the loss of a company's liquid assets:cash & inventory. Identify appropriate controls to prevent theabove losses. Why do you believe those controls are needed and whywould they be effective?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
4 Jan 2018

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