11 Apr 2018

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With respect to social marketing, nonprofit organizations shoulddo all of the following except

restrict the sharing of information, such as allowing people toshare personal stories, due to privacy concerns.

allow people to feel like they are doing something.

understand what motivates people to take up causes.

use social media that allow the use of digital photos, video,and gaming skills.

have metrics to assess the effectiveness of its social mediaactivities.

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56 Top of Form

Which of the following statements about services ismost accurate?

Although a major contributor to GDP nationally, services playonly a minor role in GDP on a global scale.

Exports of services is one of the few areas in which the UnitedStates has a trade surplus.

Whether tangible or intangible, the marketing of services isexactly the same as the marketing of products or ideas since theyboth satisfy customer needs.

There is much more in common with the marketing of services andbusiness products than there is between the marketing of servicesand consumer products.

Very few jobs in the United States are in the servicessector.

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Satisfying consumer needs is accomplished by

identifying target markets.

designing a marketing program.

developing a distribution strategy.

discovering consumer needs.

conducting marketing research.

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Recent research suggests that employees' competence, __________,and sincerity of their interactions affect the success of therelationships.






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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
13 Apr 2018

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