9 Apr 2019

Answer any one of five questions by Wed, 07/18. Also reply toat least one classmate on a different day by Sun, 07/22.

1. Recall your own personal working experiences and themanagers with whom you have had interaction. Discuss the skillsthat define the best manager with whom you have worked and discussthe skills that define the worst manager with whom you haveworked.

2. Would you prefer to work in an organization with a verticalstructure or a flat, horizontal structure? Would your answer changeif you were the CEO instead of a new hire? How would you feel aboutworking in an inverted organization as a manager?

3. Analyze your own ability to be a manager. What skills doyou have now that are already polished? What skills would you needto improve? What skills would you still need to acquire? How couldyou go about acquiring or improving those skills you do nothave?

4. Contingency plans are important in any business. Discusswhat kinds of plans your school might have in place to recover froma disaster. How would these plans differ, if at all, from those ofa local business in your area? What are a few possible scenariosthat would require contingency plans in your school or at a localbusiness?

5. How does the complexity of a project impact qualitycontrol? As software projects grow to have many millions of linesof code, can that industry still achieve Six Sigma quality? Whatkind of tools and processes would it require?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
11 Apr 2019

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