29 Sep 2018

Early in January 2010, Tellco, Inc. acquired a new machine andincurred $100,000 of interest, installation , and overhead coststhat should have been capitalized but were expensed. The companyearned net operating income of $1,000,000 on average total assetsof $8,000,000 for 2010. Assume that the total cost of the newmachine will be depreciated over 10years using the straight-linemethod.

A. Calculate the ROI for Tellco, Inc for 2010
b. Calculate the ROI for Tellco, Inc for 2010 assuming that the$100,000 had been capitalized and depreciated over 10 years usingthe straight-line method.
c. Given your answers to a and b, why would the company want toaccount for the expediture as an expense?
d. Assuming that the $100,000 is capitalized, what will be theeffect on ROI for 2011 and subsequent years, compared to expensingthe interest, installation, and overhead costs in 2010? Explainyour answer.

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
1 Oct 2018

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