6 Nov 2019

Table 4 shows the electricity rates charged by Better ThanLightning Utilities in the winter months. A.) Write a piecewisedefinition of the monthly charge W(x) for a customer who uses x kWhin a winter month. TABLE: 4 Base charge, $8.50 First 500 kWh orless at 0.0500/kWh Over 500 kWh at 0.0.0800/kWh B.) GraphW(x).

write a piecewide definition of the monthy charge W(x)

It says the Answer is 8.50 +0.0500X if 0 less then or equal x lessthen or equal to 500

-6.50 +0.0800x if 500 less then x

I Dont understand how they get the -6.50. Please help me with thisproblem!!

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
14 Jan 2019

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