12 Nov 2019

Please show me HOW I can solve these, I seem to have so much trouble setting it up. Thank you.

1. One number is 5 more than twice another number. The sum of the numbers is 35. Find the numbers.

2. Ms. Jones invested $18,000 in two accounts. One account pays 6% simple interest and the other pays 8%. Her total interest for the year was $1,290. How much did she have in each account?

3. How many liters of a 40% solution and an16% solution must be mixed to obtain 20 liters of a 22% solution?

4. Sheila bought burgers and fries for her children and some friends. The burgers cost $2.05 each and the fries are $.85 each. She bought a total of 14 items, for a total cost of $19.10. How many of each did she buy?

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
5 May 2019

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