

Theproblem asks:
For what values of constants a andb is the function f(x) continous on (-infinity, + infinity) ?

x + 2 , x < 1
f(x) = a , x = 1
bx^2 , x > 1

If you have time, please read below and confirm or correct mythinking on this problem:

To me the problem is saying:

That as the limit of x approaches 1 from the left(1-) and/or from the right (1+); f(x) =3.

So, for the limit to be continuous, f(x) = 3 it will haveto be true [when x is/close to 1]for each of the three (piecewiseequations? what is the correct terminology?).

So I think that means a = 3 and b = 3 when x = 1 or xapproaches 1. To check this mathematically, do I solve for eachvariable? I.e. 3 = bx^2 and 3 = a?

Am I understanding this problem correctly? If you havetime, please explain (in writing) what this problem means and howto solve it.


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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
29 Jan 2019

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