
The following table shows the probability distribution of the number of days (x) to complete a certain type of construction project by a contractor.

x f(x)

1 0.05

2 0.20

3 0.35

4 0.30

5 0.10

3 The probability that it will take less than 3 days to complete a randomly selected project is ______.
a 0.60

b 0.45

c 0.35

d 0.25

4 The standard deviation of the days to complete a project is _______. (Rounded to 2 decimal points.)
a 1.03

b 1.24

c 1.35

d 1.41

5 The contractor's project cost is made up of a fixed cost of $20,000, plus $2,000 for each day taken to complete the project. Expected value of total project cost is.

a $25,300

b $26,400

c $27,500

d $28,600

6 In the previous question the standard deviation of total project cost is:

a $22,060

b $22,828

c $2,060

d $2,828

7 If you toss a balanced coin 20 times, the probability of getting 10 tails is: f(x = 10) = _______.
a 0.5000

b 0.2461

c 0.1762

d 0.1026

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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