
47. When a public transit system (such as a subway or bus line)raises its fares, it may experience an increase in total revenue.This suggests that demand is:
A) unstable.
B) price inelastic.
C) price elastic.
D) unit price elastic.
45. If the quantity demanded of agricultural output is veryunresponsive to a fall in price, the demand for agricultural outputis:
A) price elastic.
B) price inelastic.
C) positively sloped.
D) horizontal.
48. A constant price elasticity of demand curve is one whose:
A) slope is the same at every point on the curve.
B) price elasticity of demand is the same at every point on thecurve.
C) quantity is the same at every point on the curve.
D) price elasticity of demand and slope are the same at every pointon the curve.

49. Whenever supply increases, the resulting market price willalways be lower except:
A) when demand is perfectly price elastic (when the demand curve ishorizontal).
B) when demand is completely price inelastic (when the demand curveis vertical).
C) when supply is perfectly price inelastic (when the supply curveis vertical).
D) in the case of demand having unit price elasticitythroughout.

50. A demand curve that is perfectly inelastic:
A) will be vertical.
B) will be horizontal.
C) will be upward sloping.
D) has an elasticity equal to 1 everywhere on the curve.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
29 Sep 2019

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