6 Jan 2018

6. (1 point) Tara lives in an economy where all adults either either work or go to university Those without a university education earn a salary of $40,000 per year. Those with a university education earn a salary of $65,000. University education lasts 3 years. Tuition is $30,000 per year, and Tara has access to interest-free student loans. Assume that Tara is an adult for 10 years. As an economist, give Tara advice on whether she should attend university before working. Bonus Question 1. (1 point) What, if anything, do you expect to happen to the num- ber of men who report having same-sex sexual orientation (or report being in a same-sex relationship or report having same-sex sexual desires) when HIV/AIDS becomes more preva- lent? What, if anything, do you expect to happen to the number of women who report having same-sex sexual orientation or report being in a same-sex relationship or report having same-sex sexual desires) when HIV/AIDS becomes more prevalent? Answer to these questions as an economist. Focus on explaining how and why changes in sexual behavior in response to HIV/AIDS becoming more prevalent might be different for men vs. women. Explanation should be 1-3 sentences. Bonus Question 2. (1 point) Following the murder-kidnapping of 12-year old Polly Klaas in 1993, California and a number of other states in the U.S. have passed so called three- strikes-laws. A three-strikes-law mandates that a person who commits a third criminal act to be jailed for the rest of his/her life without the possibility of parole. Importantly, these three-strikes-laws do not distinguish between more dangerous criminal acts such as murders and bank robberies and less dangerous crimes such as a smoking pot and shoplifting. Instead, anyone who is convicted of three criminal acts in total is to be jailed for the rest of his/her life following the third conviction. The intended effect of implementing such three-strikes-laws was to increase the penalties for crimes of any type in order to deter criminals from committing crimes. However, evidence suggests that the implementation of three-strikes-laws has increased the number of dangerous criminal acts (murders, bank robberies, etc) that have been committed. Why have the three-strikes-laws possibly led to an increase in the number of dangerous criminal acts? Explain (in 1-2 sentences).

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
7 Jan 2018

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