
I would like to have a Human Resources Consulting Business. Ibelieve that it is a process that involves identifying recruitmentsource – determining where qualified candidates can be located anddeveloping recruitment methods – choosing specific means ofattracting potential employees to the organization. I would like tofocus on training. I believe that becoming a productiveparticipating member of any company and job performance of theindividual is the first ingredient of a successful business. Thetraining of the trainer is vital to having a profitable and lastingcompany. The identification of a consulting firm and theprescriptions for success in an economic downturn sheds light uponthe possibility of such a change is necessary to keep businessesprofitable. I think that learning effectively requires planning,imaginative thinking and creative problem solving skills.Motivation and encouraging is the heart and soul of finding theright fit for people and companies. According, to Abraham Maslow’stheory “hierarchy of human needs “the notion that needs occur inpriority order, with the biological needs as the most basic.(Psychology: Core Concepts eBook for Education ManagementCorporation, 6th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions p. G-8).People need to be motivated and learn when their basic needs aremet.
The quality of life and work are intertwined with how we aretrained and taught to interact with customers both external andinternal. The major obstacles to launching this type of business isfinding what the employers want by appraising, recommending thecustomizing individuals with the core values of the employers andthe capitol to take the risk. Research the products and thespecific market by organizing the categories to the job to beaccomplished. I could develop a strategic plan to include, costeffective time management, product knowledge and hands on tools. Icould use additional information by utilizing proven motivationalspeakers, props for the hands on learn by doing by providing toolsnecessary to succeed. The emphasis I would like to develop is thenecessity to have encouragement based rewards and put trust backinto the equation of fostering pride in your work. The humanelement gets lost in the productivity when behavioral instinct andthe demands of the technology hinder human contact negotiations. Ican get additional information from the SBA, Better BusinessBureau, Marketing publications and networking through the communitythat will be impacted the most.

The phenomenal success of Stephen Covey is a great resource inmotivational and devising a consulting business to business. I tookthe course many years ago. Also Paul Meyer, “Creating S.M.A.R.T.Goals,” 2004, Top Achievement, www.topachievement.com/smart.html(accessed July 8, 2009).(Student Success Academic Transitions forEducation Management Corporation. Pearson Learning Solutions p.111). <vbk:9780558876371#outline(10.8)>

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Kelleb Mloyi
Kelleb MloyiLv2
28 Sep 2019

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