
Instructions: Answers to each of the following problems will be evaluated based on accuracy, completeness and clarity. Unsupported answers will receive no credit. Any assumptions you make in answering the questions below should be clearly stated.

1. True/False/Uncertain: The Stackelberg leader cannot make profits in the long run if the followers are playing monopolistic competition (i.e., there is a free entry/exit into the second stage of the game). Let all firms have the same cost function C(q) = 25+40q, and let market demand be Q(p) = 140-p

2. True/False/Uncertain: There is no per-unit subsidy, s, of the 2-firm Stackelberg follower that would end up having the leader and follower be equal in size. Assume p(Q) = a - bQ, and that both firms face the constant marginal cost of production and no fixed costs.

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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