
Economic Analysis of Law - Should Beer and Wine Be Sold In Ontario's Corner Stores?

A) Background Research:

1-In 1927, the Liquor Control Act of Ontario was introduced, putting an end to the provincial prohibition period which was enacted through the Ontario Temperance Act of 1916. Additionally, it resulted in establishing the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), which was responsible for enforcing the Liquor Control Act.

2-In 1947, the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario (LLBO) was established to take over the function of licensing liquor-serving businesses, a function which was the responsibility of LCBO, and therefore leading it to become an alcohol retailer whose only responsibility is to sell alcoholic beverages.

3-In 1998, these two functions (licensing and retail-selling) became the responsibility of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, which was a merger between the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario (LLBO) and the Gaming Control Commission of Ontario as a result of the Alcohol and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act of 1996.

4-On Thursday – April 16th, 2015 the Ontario Government Premier Kathleen Wynne announced that beer will be allowed to be sold in 450 grocery stores across Ontario (300 of which will be allowed to sell wine as well), in addition to the already existing 660 LCBO stores, 450 Beer Store, and 160 Wine Rack boutiques. This new regulation took effect in December 2015.

5-In May 2018, Ontario Government Premier Doug Ford, announced that he will be allowing beer and wine to be sold at corner stores/convenience stores and added that these stores will be regulated by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, and be subject to the same high standards as the LCBO, Beer Store, and Wine Rack.

B) Required:

-Given that background information, conduct an economic analysis through A) identifying and B) applying the proper economic model(s) in order to conclude if beer and wine should be sold in corner stores.

C) MY QUESTION - I have to write 10 - 12 pages economic analysis on these regulations:

1-What would be the best way to organize this essay?

2-How many paragraphs should I include?

3-What should each paragraph discuss?

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Kelleb Mloyi
Kelleb MloyiLv2
28 Sep 2019

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