
40 min
Question 1.1. What do courts begin their interpretation of a clearly worded statute with?
(Points : 1)


Its plain meaning


Its legislative history


Records of legislative debates


Its different amendments

Question 2.2. On April 2, 1987, Bonn & Co., CPAs, mailed Marble Corp. a signed proposal to perform certain accounting services for Marble provided Marble accepts the proposal by April 30, 1987. Under the circumstances (Points : 1)
If Marble chooses to use the telephone to accept the offer and does so prior to April 30,1987, no contract will be formed between the parties because the mail was not used
Marble must accept the Bonn proposal in writing in order to form a contract
A contract will be formed between the parties if Marble mails an acceptance to Bonn on April 29, 1987, even if it is not received by Bonn until May 3, 1987
Bonn may not withdraw its proposal prior to May 1, 1987
Question 3.3. Which of the following is also called

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Egie Boy Cauba
Egie Boy CaubaLv5
28 Sep 2019

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