
To find current data for inflation and unemployment, please visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics web page at ( www.bls.gov ). On the right side of the home page is a column with Latest Numbers.

a. Click on the chart icon next to Unemployment Rate. What is the current rate of unemployment? How has the unemployment rate changed since 2008?

b. Going back to the home page, click on the chart icon next to Consumer Price Index. What is the current rate of inflation as measured by the CPI? What have been the trends in inflation since 2008?

c. Going back to the home page, click on Subjects and the Consumer Price Index. Then click on CPI Overview and answer the following questions:

i. What are the major groups (categories) of consumer expenditures that are included in the CPI?

ii. What prices are included in the CPI?

iii. What are three ways in which the CPI is used?

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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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