
Discuss the following:

Climate change policy in Ontario

• New provincial government ends carbon pricing policy

• New plan to reduce emissions out for public consultation

• Min. of Environment ruled out carbon pricing (towards the end of article)

• Province believes it is not an effective way to change behavior:

“We are out talking to people about the approach we're going to take… That approach won't include a carbon price. But we do, for example, plan, as we said during the election, to have an emissions-reductions fund to fight climate change.”

“We are focusing on the polluters, in terms of people producing the most emissions, not on individual families and people.”

• Besides carbon pricing (either through tax or cap-and-trade), what other options does the province have?

• In light of the above quotes, how might these policies perform?

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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