
1. If the government institutes an effective price ceiling on potato chips, then there will be a

decrease in demand for and an increase in supply of potato chips.

decrease in supply of potato chips.

decrease in quantity supplied of potato chips.

decrease in demand for potato chips.

decrease in quantity demanded for potato chips.

2. Lindsay can either wash two dogs or clean four windows in two hours. Amy can either wash two dogs or clean ten windows in two hours. Based on this information, which of the following is true?

The opportunity cost of washing 2 dogs for Lindsay is cleaning 2 windows.

The opportunity cost of washing 1 dog for Amy is cleaning 5 windows.

The opportunity cost of washing 1 dog for Amy is cleaning 1/5 of a window.

Lindsay has the absolute advantage in cleaning windows because she has the lowest opportunity cost.

Amy has the absolute advantage in cleaning windows because she has the lowest opportunity cost


Oranges Bananas
United States 4 acres 5 acres
Costa Rica 3 acres 2 acres

The table above lists the number of acres it takes to produce one cargo container of oranges and one cargo container of bananas in the United States and Costa Rica. Assume each nation has 120 acres available to produce both products. If terms of trade were one cargo container of oranges for one cargo container of bananas and both nations agreed to trade according to comparative advantage, how many cargo containers of bananas would be grown?

24 cargo containers

30 cargo containers

40 cargo containers

60 cargo containers

120 cargo containers

4. The balance of payments includes all of the following except

transfer payments for welfare.

goods and services sold overseas.

foreign purchases of domestic assets.

imported goods and services.

capital goods purchased by foreigners.

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Yusra Anees
Yusra AneesLv10
28 Sep 2019

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