
Below use the small description to find a MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT. Outline what the MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT is and most importantly your thoughts on how to test the product. Please explain in detail and in essay form.

Health That Helps is a new non-profit organization that is designed to ensure positive health amongst up and coming youths. Health That Helps was created to broaden and emplace long lasting health habits in schooling systems, which ultimately leads to a longer lasting life style. This non-profit organization changes the appearance of how health is presented in schools. Instead of directing immediate changes, such as taking away sodas and emplacing low calorie knock off brands that still are unhealthy, we gradually bring health into schooling with lessons, classes, and hands on experience through gardening, culinary, and food art creativity specified by the child.

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Divya Singh
Divya SinghLv10
28 Sep 2019

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