
Americans can sometimes be ethnocentric in thinking. Believing there way is the only way. But, America is but a small country in the world that has many its own beliefs and practices that can differ from other country’s beliefs and customs. How do you know how to conduct business or honor others traditions if you don’t know them? How do you know if America is the best place for you if you don’t know how other countries especially those under different economic systems operate? Go to: http://businessculture.org/business-culture/cultural-differences-in-business/ choose two countries and state the differences. Now go to the following website and read about Canadian differences and list five differences that you find intriguing and state why https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-cultural-differences-between-Canadians-and-Americans

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Romarie Khazandra Marijuan
Romarie Khazandra MarijuanLv10
28 Sep 2019

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