
Please write a comment on the below discussion post in a minimum of 100 words. Please give an example and also a reference. It should not be directly copy-pasted from the internet.

According to Cooper, Schindler (pg. 642), and cyclical variation, "Some move steadily upward, others decline, and still others stay the same over time". This is where a business goes through up and downs dealing with their product, could be seasonal, yearly trend leaving a period where you may not have any money coming for a long time, your prosperity will likely slow down, you might have to fire people during this time, and when things look up to hire and rehire people. Cooper, Schindler (2012), Business Research Methods, Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics, Ch. 18: Time Series, and Forecasting. Retrieved from https://phoenix.vitalsource.com/#/books/1259698246/cfi/6/42!/4/4/62/8@0:100

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
28 Sep 2019

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