
True, false, or uncertain. (5 points each) Your grade will be based solely on your explanation.

1. Risk in economics and finance is the possibility of loss, which implies that standard deviation is an incorrect measure of risk.

2. On stock exchanges in the United States, there is only one type of order that can be placed: a market order.

3. If the efficient markets theory of stock prices is correct, technical analysis of stock prices is useless.

4. Bubbles are hard to predict.

5. According to the Capital Asset Pricing Model, the beta of a stock is the risk premium for holding a stock.

6. Internal rate of return is a better guide to choosing investments than present value.

7. A leveraged investment is riskier.

8. If Firm A has a higher beta than Firm B, then Firm A has a higher systematic risk than Firm B.

9. If firm C has a lower beta than Firm D, then Firm C has lower unsystematic (idiosyncratic) risk than Firm D.

10. A stock that is a 'castle in the air'Ā€Ā has a high expected return after its price has risen.

11. The net present value of a firm to shareholders is the present value of all revenue received by the firm.

12. The internal rate of return is the discount rate that results in the NPV being positive.

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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