
1)Sarbanes-Oxley limits personal loans from a company to its executives to one loan of no more than $10,000, amortized over five years, at a time. true or false


Under the 1933 Act, proof of intentional violation is usually required to impose:

A. criminal sanctions only.
B. criminal or civil sanctions.
C. criminal and pragmatic sanctions.
D. criminal, civil, and equitable (injunctive) sanctions.
E. pragmatic sanctions.


The damages of a defrauded purchaser of securities:

A. are measured at the time of purchase.
B. include a punitive amount to discourage further fraud.
C. are measured at the time the fraud is discovered.
D. are considered a "sunk cost" and are not recoverable.

include speculative damages.


The Securities Enforcement Remedies Act:

A. allows for the prohibition of an individual's service as an officer or director of a business organization.
B. created the SEC.
C. changes membership requirements of corporate audit committees.
D. requires proof of criminal violation for individual and organizational fines to be imposed.
E. refrains from imposing liability on a theory of fraud on any person who shall make or cause to be made any false or misleading statements.


The regulation of securities began as a program to:

A. prohibit an individual's service as an officer or director.
B. recover triple damages in civil actions against a user of nonpublic information.
C. help the United States overcome the Great Depression of the 1930s.
D. eliminate liabilities for short-swing profits made by insiders.
E. help potential investors to make investment decisions based on less certain criteria.

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Paramjeet Chawla
Paramjeet ChawlaLv8
28 Sep 2019

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