
Consider the scenario in which the Fed is implementing a contractionary monetary policy aimed at alleviating inflationary pressures.In this regard please provide an answer to the questions listed below. In order to answer, it might be a good idea to use a money market diagram and show how interest rates affect the economy using the AD/AS diagram. No need to submit the graphs, but once again drawing the two graphs (money market and AD/AS) for yourself will go a long way in guiding you towards the right answer. Note. In the static AD/AS model, initially assume that the economy is in SR equilibrium and real GDP is above potential GDP. a) As a result of the contractionary monetary policy pursued by the Fed, what would happen with the interest rate? The interest rate is going to (rise/fall/stay fixed) Blank 1 . b) What would happen with the short run aggregate supply curve? Short run aggregate supply curve will shift (left/right/stay fixed) Blank 2 . c) What would happen with the long run aggregate supply curve? Long run aggregate supply curve will shift (left/right/stay fixed) Blank 3 . d) What would happen with the aggregate demand curve? Aggregate demand curve will shift (left/right/stay fixed) Blank 4 . e) What would happen with the Real GDP level? Real GDP will (rise/fall/stay fixed) Blank 5 . f) What would happen with the employment level? Unmployment level will (rise/fall/stay fixed) Blank 6 .

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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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