
1. Danny's Dump Truck sells its output in both the domestic and the foreign markets. Because of import and export restrictions, there is not possibility of a purchase in one market that could then be sold in the other market. The demand function associated with each market is as follows:

P1 = 20,000 - 2Q1 P2 = 25,000 - 50Q2

Danny's marginal cost is $10,000 in both markets. (assume AC= MC) Suppose the firm can engage in third degree price discrimination.

a. Find the price and output in each market. Find Danny's total profits through price discrimination.

b. Graphically show how Danny charges different prices in different markets.

c. Calculate the price elasticity of demand for each market.

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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