
1. Explain briefly why generally government shouldn't place taxes in markets that have pre-existing distortions. Be specific. Give an example where taxes can improve the distortion

2. Suppose the demand for apples is perfectly elastic and the government levies a tax t on the producers of apples. Assume that the supply of apples is neither perfectly elastic nor perfectly inelastic (upward sloping)

a. Explain using a graph how the price paid by consumers will change.

b. What is the statutory burden of the tax ? Which party bears the largest economic burden?

c. Is this change larger or smaller than the price change that would result if demand for apples were not perfectly elastic?

d. How would the quantities of apples consumed change because of the tax? Is this change in quantity larger or smaller than the change that would result if the demand for apples were not perfectly elastic?

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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