
Assume the following problem is based on 2010 economic data for the following countries associated with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):

United States


Real GDP per capita $44,000

Real GDP per Capita $11,000

a. What is the definition and the formula for the rule of 70?
b. Assuming that real GDP per capita in Mexico grows at the rate of 5
percent per year, how long will it take for Mexico's economy to double?
c. How many years will it take for Mexico's economy to reach the level of
the United States real GDP per capita in 2010?
d. Using economic growth theory, what has helped Developing Countries (DVCs)
like the Asian Tigers of Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Japan transform into Industrially Advanced Countries (IACs)? e. Based on our discussion in class, Superstar Economist Alan Greenspan classified the large transition economies of India and China as Elephants. Explain the meaning of this phrase

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 Kritika Krishnakumar
Kritika KrishnakumarLv10
28 Sep 2019

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