
A monopolist with the constant marginal cost of 4 (MC ¡ 4) to just two consumer types, which are of equal size n. Members of group 1 have an individual inverse demand curve given by p1(q) = 16- 1 2 q while members of group 2 have individual inverse demand given by p2(q) = 20 - 1 2 q. (Because marginal cost is constant, you may assume each group has just one member.) Resale of the good among consumers is impossible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Suppose the monopolist offers just a single two-part tariff. Calculate the one that maximizes its profit. Calculate the associated profit.

(2) Suppose the monopolist can not tell whether a person is in group 1 or group 2. So it offers a pair of two-part tariffs and lets each consumer buy according to the one he or she prefers. Calculate the profit-maximizing pair of two-part tariffs for the monopolist to offer. Calculate the associated profit.

(3) Suppose the monopolist offers just a single package for sale, described as (q0, T E0). Accordingly, a consumer has the choice of buying nothing or buying exactly q0 units for an item of total expenditure (payment from that consumer) of T E0. Determine the profit-maximizing single package to offer. How does this profit compare with that in the two previous parts?

(4) Suppose the monopolist offers two packages for sale, described as (q1, T E1) and (q2, T E2). Accordingly, a consumer has the choice of buying nothing or buying exactly q1 units for a total expenditure of T E1 or buying exactly q2 units for a total expenditure of T E2. (The monopolist envisions that those in group 1 will choose (q1, T E1) and those in group 2 will choose (q2, T E2).) Determine the profit-maximizing pair of packages to offer. Calculate the associated profit.

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
28 Sep 2019

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