
Taxable Income Range Marginal Tax Rate
$0 to $10,000 @ 12%
$10,001 to $24,500 @ 18%
$24,501 to $68,000 @ 27%
$68,001 and above @ 38%

The table shows the taxable income range and marginal tax rates for a single taxpayer in Oceania. There are no exemptions or deductions on personal income taxes in Oceania.

The income tax paid by George, a single taxpayer with an income of $65,000, is
A. $11,100
B. $14,745
C. $15,345
D. $17,550

What is George's average tax rate?

A. 19.00%

B. 22.68%

C. 23.61%

D. 27%


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Darryn D'Souza
Darryn D'SouzaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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