
1.What do so many politicians, and journalist tells us what fair means?

2. After fifty years of poverty fair programs in the US, what are the results?

3.What was an early definition of social justice?

4.What is the current definition of social justice?

5.What are the many ways the US Federal Government taxes us?

6.What is our government's only source of revenues, no matter how our politicians word it?

7.What proportion of income taxes in the US is paid by the top 50%, 10%, and 1% of income earners?

8.Why are payroll taxes regressive?

9. It is true that nearly half the household in the US pays no income tax at all?

10. Do the poor actually lose various welfare benefits if they are trying to climb out of welfare, and their income increases?

11.Who actually pays corporate income taxes?

12.What is the definition of Economics?

13.Is there any form of government or economic system that can prevent a country from facing scarce resources?

14. How are resource allocation decisions made in a centrally planned economy and a free market system?

15.Is political self-interest somehow better than economic self-interest?

16.Is it possible for a small group of people in Washington D.C. to know the massive amounts of information required to get the right amount of milk on the local grocery stores' shelves?

17.What does voluntary exchange driven by self-interest require that each party to the exchange do?

18.What is the purpose of prices in a free market system?

19.What is crony capitalism, and why is it detrimental?

20.Why is issue emotionalism a shaky foundation upon which to make policy decisions?

21.We do not need to care what the stated intentions of politicians are regarding their proposed regulations. Instead, what should our concerns focus upon?


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Retselisitsoe Pokothoane
Retselisitsoe PokothoaneLv10
28 Sep 2019

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