
For the economy described below:


= 2,500 + 0.9(Y -T) - 10,000r

I p

= 2,200 - 10,000r


= 2,200

NX = 0

= 3,500

a. Suppose that potential output Y* equals 27,500. What real interest rate should the Fed set to bring the economy to full employment? You may take as given that the multiplier for this economy is 10.

Instruction: Enter your response as an integer value.

The real rate of interest: % =?

b. Suppose that potential output Y* equals 23,500. What real interest rate should the Fed set to bring the economy to full employment? You may take as given that the multiplier for this economy is 10.

Instruction: Enter your response as an integer value.

The real rate of interest: % =?

c. Show that the real interest rate determined in part a sets national saving equal to planned investment when the economy is at potential output. This result shows that the real interest rate must be consistent with equilibrium in the market for saving when the economy is at full employment.

Instruction: Enter your response as an integer value.

Planned investment I p =.

National saving S =.

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Insha Fatima
Insha FatimaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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