25 May 2018

5) The night before a history test, you decide to go to the movies instead of reviewing your notes. You get 60 percent on your test compared with the 75 percent that you normally score. You a tradeoff , and the opportunity cost of your evening at the movies was A) faced; between a higher test score and an evening at the movies; the 15 percent fall in your grade B) faced; between a higher test score and an evening at the movies, the mark of 60 percent on your test C) did not face; most students get 60 percent on history tests; the mark of 60 percent on your test D) did not face; because you made the best choice; zero E) did not face; because your roommates agreed you should go to the movies and not study; zero

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 May 2018

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